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- Exercise involved Directorate of Civil Emergencies, Fire Department, First Aid Unit, hospitals, police and army
- Volunteers took part in emergency exercise
On Wednesday, 17 April 2013, at 15.00 hrs the response levels of Tirana International Airport (TIA) Fire and Rescue Department, First Aid Unit and staff were tested with a mock emergency exercise. An emergency landing of an aircraft at TIA was simulated. The exercise put the above-mentioned Airport services through stringent procedures, and all units performed excellently. Some volunteers also participated in the exercise along with members of Albania’s civil emergency bodies.
“Being able to respond quickly, effectively and smoothly to any possible emergency that could arise at the airport is our major responsibility. By undertaking such an exercise TIA enables all the parties involved to be prepared and react better to such an emergency or incident. The safety of our passengers and staff is our first priority and such, exercises help to maintain and where needed, improve the procedures TIA already has in place,” said Mr Rolf Castro-Vasquez, TIA Chief Operations Officer.
Various state entities were involved in the emergency test, including the Directorate of Civil Emergencies, the Ministry of Interior (with its airport police task force). The Red Cross also took part in the exercise.
The requirement to perform such exercises every two year enables TIA to demonstrate that in the unlikely event of an emergency all of its units will react promptly and appropriately. The agencies that took part simulated their duties called for in the Airport Emergency Program.
Officials from Albania’s Civil Aviation Authority and local authorities, were also present at the exercise along with participants from the Fire Department, Police, Red Cross and the Airport.
Ndani këtë informacion.
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