
Tirana International Airport expresses its gratitude to every passenger affected by the suspended flights


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- Some of the flights will be covered by the Italian carrier Blue Panorama Airlines
- Local carrier Belle Air has suspended its flights due to financial difficulties within the company

Tirana International Airport (TIA) would like to express its gratitude and its highest appreciation to every passenger that has been stranded in the Airport terminal following the suspension of Belle Air flights. The Airport appreciates fully the cooperation and patience of all passengers. Tirana International Airport is constantly monitoring the situation and understands fully the unfortunate inconvenience caused to passengers by these circumstances.
TIA was informed on 24th November that the local Albanian carrier Belle Air has suspended its flights due to financial difficulties within the company. The announcement was made through an official statement of the airline released to the media the same day.
Belle Air started the operations in 2006 at Tirana International Airport. Its flights were mainly to and from Italian destinations. Until further notice, several of these routes will be operated by the Italian carrier Blue Panorama Airlines. For further information on the rescheduled flights please visit the Airport home page ( where visitors can also click on the real-time Arrivals and Departures information.
The Airport remains faithful to its passengers and remains also positive that the state authorities will quickly find a satisfactory solution to assist the needs of all travellers. The Company will continue to inform passengers and assures them of its full support as its most valuable asset.


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